Liquid Limit Device (Motorised)
Model No.: SET-1207
At Civil Lab Equipment Manufacturer, we Liquid Limit Device Motorised manufacturers, suppliers and exporters motorized Liquid Limit Devices of best quality to our clients in Delhi, India. Civil Lab Equipment Manufacturer, same as hand operated liquid limit but fitted with a motor geared down to give approximately 120 rpm. Operation suitable for 230 V A.C., Single Phase, 50 Cycles.
At Civil Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Motorised Liquid Limit device of soils is useful to correlate mechanical properties of soil, such as comprehensibility and lower shear strength of water content at which zero strength soil passes from an infinitesimal strength, hence the true value of liquid limit cannot be determined. The liquid limit is that water content at which a part of soil, cut by a groove of standard dimensions, will flow together for a distance of 1.25 cm under an impact of standard liquid limit apparatus 25 blows.
At Civil Lab Equipment Manufacturer, comprehensive range of civil engineering laboratory equipment manufacturers, experts using finest quality raw material and sophisticated technology Used for determining the liquid limit device.