Laboratory California Bearing Ratio Apparatus Motorised (12 Speed Load Frame)
Model No.: SET-1237 (A)
At Civil Lab Equipment Manufacturer, we manufacture, supply and export Laboratory California Bearing Ratio Apparatus Motorized of best quality to our clients in Delhi, India. Civil Lab Equipment Manufacturer Laboratory California Bearing Ratio Test Apparatus manufactured as per the IS 9669 and IS 2720 (PART XVI) industry Standards and California Bearing Ratio test is also called the CBR test which is used to determine the expansion characteristics and relative bearing ration under the known surcharge of the weight of a base, sub-base, and sub-grade soils to design the pavements, runways, and roads. The CBR test is extensively used in the selection of the materials and sub-grade controls. It can be performed in the lab on prepared samples or in-situ on the location.