California Bearing Ratio Apparatus (Astm standard Mould)
Model No.: SET-1237 (C)
ASTM D 1883 AASHTO T 193
At Civil Lab Equipment Manufacturer is a pre-eminent name of California Bearing Ratio Apparatus Astm standard Mould Manufacturers and Suppliers and exporters of California bearing ratio apparatus. The equipment is also called as the (CBR) and the California Bearing Ratio test generates the capacity of the soils as well as the base materials depending on the penetration resistance
- The equipment houses CBR mould body equipped with a collar along with the perforated base plate.
- Slotted surcharge weight of the equipment is 2.27 kg
- The annular surcharge weight 2.27 kg
- One filter paper of 150 mm dia and with the Fisherman (100 circle pack)
- Features a Spacer Disc with T handle of 515/16 In and with Dia(150.8mm) x 2.416 (61.4mm) height
- There are plated Steel 6 In.(152.4mm) Dia x 7 In. (177.8mm) Height
Geotechnical Testing Lab Equipment