Flow Coefficient Of Fine Aggregates (Index Apparatus)
Model No.: SET-1420
Index Apparatus Flow Coefficient Of Fine Aggregates Manufacturer, we manufacturers, suppliers and exporters Index Apparatus Flow Coefficient Of Fine Aggregate of best quality to our clients in Delhi, India. Civil Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Index Flow Coefficient of Fine Aggregates Apparatus is used to obtain information about the shape and the angularity of grains of fine aggregates.
The flow coefficient of fine aggregate is the time, expressed in seconds, for a specified volume of aggregate to flow through a given opening, under specified conditions using a standard apparatus. Efflux apparatus flow coefficient of fine aggregate consist of a control shutter, cylindrical feed hopper, a cylindrical body, a cone and a metal stand.
The coefficient of fine aggregate consist of two funnels with different opening, cylindrical hopper, metal stand with a shutter and metal container dimensions in 150 x 180 x 410 mm and weight is 5 Kg.