Vibrating Machine

Model No.: SET-1023

IS 4031 1968, IS 1344 1959 BS 4550

Vibrating Machine manufactured by Civil Lab Equipment Manufacturer follows industry standards. We are a top-notch supplier and exporter of vibrating machines.

The machine comprises of a vibrating frame assembly and an electric motor that is arranged on a mounted base. The entire assembly of the frame comprises of a vice for holding the 70.66 Mm cube mould along with the two studs that are located at the top along with a hopper for feeding the sample in the mould.

Four springs are used to support the assembly which comprises of an in-built rotating shaft which rotates extensively generates vibrations for the entire frame. and A balance weight is an extremely important part bottom part of the frame. The shaft of the frame is driven by an electric motor and thus it brings the required vibration to the moulds. The Vibration frequency remains 12000+/- 400 vibration each minute.

  • Loose Base Plate
  • Belt and Belt Guard
  • Set of Springs
  • Time Switch
  • Digital Preset Timer