Ring And Ball Apparatus
Model No.: SET-1301 (A)
Digital Ring And Ball Apparatus Manufacturer is a reputed name in the field of manufacturing digital ring and ball apparatus manufacturers, suppliers and exporters in Delhi, India. The Digital Ring and Ball Apparatus manufactured by us is supplied and exported across the world. The apparatus is fabricated using the best quality raw material in compliance with best quality parameters. Our experts take great care in handling the product to make sure that it makes the requirement of our clients.
Digital Ring and Ball apparatus is mainly utilized for the purpose of determining the softening point of the bituminous material. Generally, softening point is that temperature at which a particular sample material is accepted for the test and it gets soft enough for allowing the steel ball to fall at desired distance under the test conditions which have already been defined.
- The apparatus features a heater along with the energy control regulator for the purpose of electrical heating.
- It comes installed with motor driver stirrer which works electronically.
- Each unit features a bath of heat resistance.
- The voltage of the apparatus is 230 V A.C. of 50 Hz which functions on a single-phase supply.
- Glass beaker approximately 600ml capacity.
The Digital ring and ball apparatus also comprises of one glass beaker, two steel balls 9.5mm, ring stand along with the ring hand stirrer and ball guides.