Permeability Test Apparatus Falling Head

Model No.: SET-1222 (A)

IS 2720 (PART XVII) 1966

At Civil Lab Equipment Manufacturer, we manufacturers, suppliers and exporters permeability test apparatus falling head of best quality to our clients in Delhi, India. Civil Lab Equipment Manufacturer, permeability test apparatus falling head is used for testing the permeability of granular soils sands and gravels of permeability cells is passed through it from a constant level tank take off points located along the sides of the permeability cell are connected for three manometer tube son mounted a panel complete with a meter scale. The water passing through the specimen is collected and measured, either for a specific quantity or over a period of time to reduction of head is noted from the variation of water level in the manometer tubes.

Se-Test comprising three glass tubes of constant bore, meter scale and connecting tubing for cell pressure take-off points, all mounted on a free-standing panel manufactured from transparent plastic with attachment for wall mounting, permeability apparatus falling constant head outlet and overflow pipes are fitted to the base of the tank and can be adjusted for height within the tank. We are permeability test apparatus falling head manufacturers, suppliers and exporters in Delhi, India.

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