Pullout Test Apparatus
Model No.: SET-1509
Civil Lab Equipment is a leading manufacturer of the Pullout Test apparatus and takes expertise in exporting the equipment across the globe. Our range of Pullout Test apparatus is fabricated using finest quality raw material in compliance with international quality standards.
Moreover, the apparatus goes through a rigorous quality check process to ensure its reliability and durability. Besides, we also take specialization in providing the pullout test apparatus to our clients in the specification desired by them and most competitive of rates.
SpecificationThe Pullout Test apparatus supplied by Civil Lab Equipment Manufacturer is used for the purpose of measuring the strength of an installed rockbolt under the field conditions.
The strength of the rockbolt is measured with the aid of a pull test, within which the head displacement of the bolt is measured as a function of applied bolt for giving a curve to load displacement. The test is normally done for the purpose of assessing the performance of the Rockbolt anchor that results from the quality of material to manufacture Rockbolt.
The equipment comes equipped with a hydraulic pump which is operated manually and is connected to the hydraulic jack. The hydraulic jack features test rod of higher strength in respect to the Rockbolt test. Similarly, the anchor goes through the testing procedure through measuring of the load till the time entire displacement is recorded or the bolt yield gets fractured. The displacement readings are taken in increasing number which is about upto. 5 kN load or 5 mm, or whichever happens earlier.
- Pull-out Test Apparatus 500 kN (50 Tonnes) Consists of following parts:
- A Double Acting Centre hole Hydraulic Jack 500 kN (50 Tonnes) capacity with 54 mm Centre Hole, 150 mm Ram Travel and Hand Operated, two Stage Pump
- Hose pipe, 6m long. with pair of quick couplings system
- Load Gauge 150 mm dia, 500 kN x 5 kN
- MS welded Reaction Frame 500 kN capacity with 90mm hole at base
- High Strength mild steel Test Rod, 40 mm dia
- High Strength Coupling, having RH thread to suit Test Rod on one end and LH thread to suit 20mm, 25mm, 30mm and 32mm dia Rockbolt on the other end of rod
- Dial Gauge, 0.01 x 25 mm